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Sports Health Events

Our experts are at the forefront of the latest research and innovation in sports medicine and exercise science. They’re also athletes and coaches themselves, with a deep understanding of their patients’ drive to stay active and achieve their personal best.

“My medical team accommodated my insane schedule and bent over backward to make sure that I was able to achieve my goals as an athlete.”

—Miye D’Oench, Right Wing, Metropolitan Riveters, Age 25; Read All Sports Health Patient Stories

We host a wide variety of sports health events covering the intersection of sports and health—from lectures and workshops for the community to conferences and continuing medicine education for professionals—where we share this valuable information with athletes as well as sports health leaders in the field.

Learn more about our upcoming events.

Sports Performance and Wellness Lectures

We host sports performance and wellness community lectures on a variety of topics. From planning an exercise program for the holiday season to learning how athletes can decrease risk for injury and perform at their best, you’ll get practical tips to keep you at the top of your game.

Find out more about Wheels in Motion: Steps to Cycling Success, a lecture that will be held on Wednesday, March 12.

Watch some of our previous lectures on NYU Langone’s YouTube channel.

Please register using our online form. For additional information, please contact John Salvatore at John.Salvatore@NYULangone.org or Jennifer Gallinaro at Jennifer.Gallinaro@NYULangone.org.

Rusk Rehabilitation Community Lecture Series

Patients and sports medicine specialists alike can benefit from NYU Langone’s Rusk Rehabilitation’s vast catalog of community lectures offered throughout the year. Experts discuss topics including sports injury rehabilitation, orthopedic and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, and pediatric rehabilitation. View our community lecture series calendar.

Continuing Medical Education Activities

Clinicians and other healthcare professionals can receive valuable information from our wide range of CME activities on sports and health-related topics. Our educational programs include conferences, courses, and workshops.